Current Corps

30 Years and Beyond

To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the formation of the AGC, several events were held including a Freedom Parade through Winchester and a carol service at Winchester Cathedral. The Corps also commissioned and unveiled a statue at Worthy Down and created a Corps cypher, replacing the original AGC cap badge as a visual representation of the Corps. The “old” cap badge is now worn and used exclusively by AGC (SPS) branch.

Freedom Parade Collage


In 2022 the Corps mourned the passing of its Colonel-in Chief, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Members of the AGC took part in the funeral procession of the late Queen and the RMP were part of the policing of the day.


2023 saw the Corps participate in the coronation of His Majesty King Charles II and Queen Camilla, taking part in the parade and helping to police the event. This year also saw the appointment of a new Colonel-in-Chief, the Duchess of Gloucester, who was one of the Corps Deputy-Colonel-in-Chiefs since 1992.

Op Herrick and Op Telic


Operations in Afghanistan (OPERATION HERRICK) ran from 2002 until 2014 and in Iraq (OPERTION TELIC) from 2003 until 2011. Members of the AGC took part in various roles to support members of the British Armed Forces and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

AGC(ETS): language training, including Pashto, Urdu, Farsi (Dari), Iraqi dialect and Turkish; cultural awareness training; Train the Trainer courses; acclimatization and induction courses; teaching the Afghan National Army; work as part of the NATO training mission to build the Iraqi Armed Forces; part of Brigade Advisory Groups; acting as Public Affairs Officers Advisor; CIMIC (Civilian Military Co-operation) roles including Female Engagement Teams (FET); worked with embedded journalists in units; Unit Education Officers; Unit Press Officers and G5 (information); provided “top cover” on patrols; created unit magazines.


AGC(RMP):  provided crime investigation; Special Investigations Branch (SIB) investigating the deaths of British Service Personnel and all allegations of a serious nature that involved British interests; oversaw the detention of those captured by British Forces; trained the Afghan National Police and Iraqi Police with RMP killed in attacks on OP TELIC;  assisted the International Police Advisors; provided Court Liaison Teams; provided Police Posts, Investigation Teams and Liaison Officers;  advised battlegroups on custody, detention, prisoner handling, evidence handling and forensics; provided security for the 2005 Iraqi election. 


AGC(MPS): oversaw the detention of those captured by British Forces until they were handed back to local authorities for release.


AGC(ALS): provided Rules of Engagement (ROE) Training; part of Initial Response Teams; provided assistance to RMP; prepared and delivered training packages on the Law of War to the Afghan National Guard; part of Detention Oversite Teams.


AGC(SPS): part of Non-Kinetic Effect Teams (NKET); CIMIC and FET duties; part of SO3 Media Operations; audited money for local projects; helped to set up a local radio station; helped with the distribution of humanitarian aid; part of Brigade Advisory Groups; acted as signalers in Forward Operating Bases (FOBs); part of the Quick Reaction Projects Teams to support regional redevelopment; part of the Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams; provided court liaison officers; dealt with the employment of locals; were Line Managers of Locally Employed Civilians; and paying compensation claims. 

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ALS Recruitment Video

ETS Recruitment Video

GSPS 10th Anniversary

MPGS Recruitment Video

RMP Recruitment Video

SPS Recruitment Video