Group, School, and Out of Hours Visits

Group visits

The AGC Museum is happy to welcome groups who wish to visit the museum. We ask that groups of 10 or more get in touch ahead of their visit- this is to make sure that there are no conflicts with any other planned visits and to allow for adequate staffing.

Staff can provide an introduction to the museum, either general or themed by branch, or can provide a guided tour on general AGC history, themed by branch, or a general object tour. Guided tours are limited to 15 people, due to the limited spaces in the gallery, and must be pre-booked.

There is currently no charge for pre-booked tours of the museum, although donations are welcome.

If you wish to visit other museums in Peninsula Barracks, please get in contact and we can facilitate this.

School Visits

The AGC Museum works with the rest of Winchester’s Military Museums to offer school visits that are engaging and cover a variety of topics for all ages, from KS1 to higher education.

Visit topics include:

  • First World War and Remembrance
  • World War Two
  • Florence Nightingale and the Crimea
  • Winchester- Military City Local History
  • Arts Award- Discover Award
  • Hide and Seek
  • Victorious Victuals

Please get in touch if you have a topic that you feel would fit in well with the site- we are happy to put together bespoke programmes. Full day programmes cost £5.00 per pupil (2023/2024 pricing, minimum numbers apply; extra charges for Arts Award), with no charge for accompanying adults within the stated ratios, parking or lunch space.

More information and how to book can be found on the Winchester’s Military Museums education page, found here:

Out of Hours visits

The AGC Museum is open Tuesday to Friday, from 10am until 5pm, with last entry at 4.15. If you would like to visit outside of normal opening hours, please contact the museum. We may be able to accommodate out-of-hours visits depending on staff availability.